C++11: custom variadic template literals: ЧЯДНТ?
От: alexanderfedin США http://alexander-fedin.pixels.com/
Дата: 09.12.19 18:50
Код выглядит так:
template <typename T, T... chars>
struct c_str
    constexpr c_str() noexcept {}

template <char... chars>
constexpr const c_str<char, chars...> operator "" _cs() noexcept
    return c_str<char, chars...>();

template <char... chars>
constexpr double operator "" _dbl() noexcept
    return 0.0;

int main()
    using d_t = decltype("2.7"_dbl);//error: no matching function for call to ‘operator""_dbl()’
    using s_t = decltype("abc"_cs);error: no matching function for call to ‘operator""_cs()’
    return 0;
Alexander Fedin.
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